Comic Con is Friday, March 14th to Sunday, March 15 this week. Many people are going and are excited for many things. It will be an incredible celebration of comic books and nerds alike!
Many are excited for it so they can get comics, cards, games, see costumes, and play on the table top. I for one am going but not at a small price. Tickets will cost up to $130 dollars.
Daniel Kees, a comic and video game fan says, “I’m not really excited for Comic Con because I’m not going, but am excited for certain events that will happen at Comic Con such as Doom Eternal and Warhammer 40k.” I also told him that Doom Eternal probably won’t be at Comic Con. He did not reply. I also will be attending to consume as much 40k and Warhammer comics as possible. The game center and the main convention center will be jam packed with people!
There will be many celebrities there including William Shatner, Bryce Papenbrook, and many more! You can go get an autograph from one of them but it can cost up to $70 dollars.
There also will be lots of cosplay, with many people dressing as characters from games, comics, movies, and more. If you are attending be sure to go look at the cosplay and maybe even check out one of the competitions.
Kane, a Comic Con goer if he wasn’t busy said, “I wanted to go and see cool nerd things but I’m busy. I wanted to see if they had my favorite comic book, Spawn, there because I’m missing a few issues.” He’s not the only one. Many can’t go because of how close this is to Spring Break and how much it costs.
Many vendors will set up shop here and make a ton of money off of selling quality goods at the event. They will get $615 to $1000 dollars from this event.