The Franklin Central Regional A color guard had their state prelims at their home school Franklin Central high school on March 8 2025. They got fourth in their round with a score of 74 points.
They preformed at 5:08 pm in the FC main gym. They performed their show “The House That Built Me” that happens to be too the song “The House That Built Me” by Miranda Lambert. There was 6 rounds, in each round there was about 13 Regional A color guards in each round. The rounds decided when they perform on Saturday March 15 at Decatur high school.
Ramona the regional a captain said, “I think we did good because we got seven points higher than last time” commenting on how at the last competition in Zionsville Indiana, the FC Regional A got a score of 67.96 while at prelims they got a score of 74 points.
This was the first IHSCGA state competition of the season for the Franklin Central Regional A, other color guards have competed in the IHSCGA regionals while the FC Regional A had not participated in it.
Josie one of the Regional A members said, “I think we could do better, considering we got 1st on our third competition and 2nd on the last one we can definitionally improve to win state.”
That was just a little on the events of the IHSCGA prelims at Franklin Central High School, the Regional A did very good on the competition getting 4th place in their round and scoring 7 points higher than their score in Zionsville Indiana.