On Saturday March 8th, Franklin Central Junior High Jazz Orchestras will be going to a competition at Clark Pleasant Middle School. This is an event where schools go play for judges to see if they get a Gold, Sliver, or Bronze for their performance. There is also gold with distinction, which is when you get a 10.5 or lower total score from all 3 judges.
Addition to this, students have to arrive here at FCJH first, then get a bus over to CPMS. Once they arrive at CPMS, the director will check them, then go to a practice room to warm up before going to perform. To get a gold, it is a 13.5 average score or lower, a 9 is a perfect score.
“With how we sound now, I’m pretty sure we’ll get gold, and honestly, with distinction shouldn’t be far off either,” says Gursam, a top viola player in the jazz group.
Participants are nervous whether or not they will bring back a gold but mostly confident. The group will be going in group 2 this year, which is a step up from last year when they went group 3 and got a total score of 11. The director is confident they can do it since it was .5 off from with distinction.
“I think we will do pretty good but we have some things to work on that the judges will hopefully not notice,” says Nu Nu, a top violin player in jazz.
The students have been working really hard to meet their goal. They would love to bring back a gold or even a gold with distinction plaque to hang on the wall in the orchestra room. The group ended up getting a gold with distinction!